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Urgent Call for Safety Time-Out in the Process Industry

10 Dec 2020

The Singapore Chemical Industry Council (SCIC), Association of Process Industry (ASPRI) and Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council are deeply concerned over the recent spate of workplace fatalities. Here, we would like to remind all plant operators and process construction and maintenance (PCM) companies of the importance of workplace safety and health even as we implement Safe Management Measures (SMM) on-site.

Those recent fatalities could have easily been prevented if proper risk assessments had been carried out and site personnel remained vigilant. While we resume work after a period of reduced activities, we must not forget to uphold our industry’s impeccable safety and health standards in a bid to make up for lost time this year. As every accident will cause further delays, SCIC and ASPRI would like to strongly urge everyone to take a step back and conduct a thorough Safety Time-Out exercise.

Let us allow ourselves some time for taking stock and reviewing our work activities and safety protocols. We have to take care of one another, so everyone can go home safe and healthy at the end of each workday. Kindly refer to this advisory for some areas we could relook into.

We urge all to complete their Safety Time-Out exercises as soon as possible, or at least before 23 December 2020 when the festive season kicks in. We look forward to a safer resumption of construction activities with this Safety Time-Out. Together, we can prevent all injuries and ill-health at the workplace.

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