Pre-Survey on ASPRI-CSA curated Cybersecurity workshop

In line with our continued efforts of our Digitalisation Readiness Index (DRI) initiative, ASPRI is partnering with the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) to conduct a curated Cybersecurity workshop for our members.  

The workshop is for all ASPRI members, and will cover topics such as 
1. The increasing risks posed to cybersecurity and its potential losses (monetary or otherwise);
2. The basic steps that members can adopt to ensure good cyber hygiene; and 
3. Information to attain the CSA Cyber Essentials Mark for interested members 

ASPRI wishes to solicit your feedback on your interests in the topics below for us to curate the workshop accordingly to majority’s wants. 

You may submit your feedback on the interested topics here.

For more information regarding the various topics, you may refer to the link here:

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